Tuesday, June 23, 2009

U-BLOG 8 Camstudio

This week in class we tested the waters with Camstudio, an opensource screencasting program for Windows. We had an assignment where students had to create a video, with audio, of yourself teaching a skill with pertaining to your group's opensource software. My groups software is Openoffice so the skill I demonstrated isn't really challenging but the whole experience with Camstudio was fun!! I really enjoyed recording myself then going back and listening to myself. I recorded about 20 videos lol and I still don't like it. But its so fun now I just want to make a bunch of videos with me talking on it.

The purpose of Camstudio is for educational reasons and it is great for teachers! Especially in a class like web design, programming, or something in that field because teachers can post help videos on the web and students can have 24/7 help. So its awesome for teachers but enough don't take advantage of this free teaching tool. How did you guys like the Camstudio experience?

1 comment:

  1. Well, this was a very intresting experience. You say that you recorded about 20 videos. I have you beat by about 10 videos. lol. At first I couldn't get the sound loud enough. Then when I got the sound levels right, I encountered side noises, such as breathing. After finally adjusting everything to accomodate this, the only problem I had was scripting and performing the actions. I really didn't like it all that well. Maybe because it was my first time. I may give it another try, but as of right now, I don't really have any desire to use Camstudio.
