Thursday, June 4, 2009

U-Blog 1

In the video blog Elliott Massie posted, he made some great points about learning. Much of what he is saying is pretty accurate. The main topic of his video is how learning changes. If done correctly learning can impact and change people and organizations. He believes that learning can be a major tool to help companies increase productivity. He says learning can help individual people and whole organizations reach their goals no matter what it is from better services, improving relationships, or increasing profits. I agree with his beliefs because from personal experience learning new things can open new doors and opportunities. New knowledge leads to more curiosity, more questions, and new innovative ideas.

Massie also believes that learning can help society on a global scale to solve social issues. If people are informed and cognitive they will will react with more intelligence in stressful situations and understand other people's perspectives. A lot of people struggle all over the world just because of a lack of knowledge. They just weren't taught or presented tons of information and there skills lack because of it.

The traditional methods of teaching are not the best methods for instruction anymore. The character of how content is learned has evolved. The content is shorter! People, organizations, and learners are asking for shorter content and faster and swifter ways to learn it. Its pressure on people to gain skills faster and attention spans are shorter so learning must be much quicker than its traditionally known to be. Advancements in technology and the introduction of web 2.0 people want more visuals and interactive tools to help them learn. People still read but not as much. The younger the generation, the shorter readings need to be. So with that said learning must be immersive. The content must be attractive drawing the learner in because the attention span of learners are much shorter than previous years.

So, the traditional methods of teaching are still used today but the roles they play have significantly shifted.


  1. I fully agree with you as well as with the Massie. The fact that change is so evident in our professional areas the need for more knowledge and skill sets has drastically increased. And it becomes even more of necessity due to the competitiveness that is out there. I think it will be a challenge for us because we are in a field that is always changing more so than an other profession in the world. The need to learn is something that we have to get accustomed to or we will not last at all.

  2. It makes complete sense, Massie is moving with the next generation of learning. Today's students are not just kids, they're everyone and everyone learns differently. Many seem to prefer the newer methods of learning as they are more accessible and efficient
